Personal Injury Lawyer
Bicycle accidents can be unexpected and they can result in horrific injuries according to a bicycle accident lawyer from our friends at Hall Justice. People who ride bicycles often suffer more serious injuries because they are not as protected compared to people inside vehicles. There is little that a cyclist can do to avoid a collision that occurs unexpectedly. You may be able to sue a number of different parties if you have been in an accident. If you would like to learn more about who can be sued in a serious bicycle accident, a skilled lawyer can provide you with more information.
Somebody’s accidents occur because of pedestrians who are not paying attention to their surroundings. This is common at intersections. A pedestrian may be crossing the street while looking at their phone and not paying attention to those around them such as cyclists. A cyclist may run into a pedestrian if a pedestrian is not looking or suddenly walks in front of a cyclist coming through.
If your accident was a result of a driver who was driving recklessly or failed to yield to you while you were traveling on your bicycle, you can take legal action against them. It is common for drivers to be sued in bicycle accidents because they caused the accident in many cases. Common reasons that a driver may strike a cyclist include feeling to look while backing out of a parking lot, speeding, passing a cyclist dangerously, or making improper turns. Get as much evidence as possible if you have been in an accident that was caused by another driver.
Sometimes other cyclists are at fault in a bicycle accident. If you are traveling on the street and encounter another cyclist who fails to yield to you or crosses an intersection without looking and causes you to serve dangerously, you can take legal action against them. These types of accidents often result in cyclists getting struck by a vehicle or falling off their bicycle. You may be able to sue the at-fault parties.
Government agencies
Potholes or construction projects can result in a bicycle accident. If you were traveling on your bicycle and ran into a pothole or hazard that should have been cleaned up by a government agency, you may be able to sue the agency who was responsible. They can be held liable for negligence if they were aware of the hazard, but did not remove it.
Sometimes a manufacturer may be responsible for a bicycle accident. If they produced a bicycle with a critical design flaw, assembly problem, or other issue, you may be able to include them in the list of parties for your breast accident claim. You should preserve any evidence that you have that a faulty piece of your bicycle was the cause of your accident if you suspect that is the issue.
You can sue a number of different people if you have been in a bicycle accident. A lawyer can provide you with personalized legal assistance if multiple parties have been at fault. Working on a bicycle accident claim can be challenging, so do not wait to seek legal help from a qualified lawyer.